Insum t-1000 poseidon pickleball paddle

INSUM Posiedon T-1000 Pickleball Paddle Review

I recently had the opportunity to try out the INSUM T-1000 Poseidon Pickleball paddle, and in this review, I’ll share my thoughts and experiences with this paddle. There has been some discussion about whether this paddle is just a cheap knockoff of the Ben John’s Joola Perseus paddle, and I’ll address that question as well.

Poseidon Pickleball Paddle Specifications

Before diving into my personal experience, let’s go over the specifications of the INSUM T-1000 Poseidon paddle. This paddle boasts a length of 16 1/2 inches, a width of 7.5 inches, a grip length of 5.5 inches, and a circumference of 4.25 inches. It is constructed with 16 MM thermal-formed carbon fiber and weighs approximately 8 ounces. When I received the paddle, it came with a full cover for protection and two balls.

Initial Impressions and Grit

When I first took the paddle out of the box, I noticed an abundance of grit on the surface, almost like I could trim my nails with it. Over the course of two weeks of play, the grit diminished from the middle part of the paddle, but the spin it generated remained impressive. While I can’t measure spin scientifically, I can attest that the INSUM T-1000 Poseidon paddle excels at creating great spin, especially during serves.

Power and Control

I consider this paddle to be a versatile all-around option, leaning slightly towards the power end of the spectrum. I’ve been able to generate impressive power without adding any extra weights to the paddle. The large sweet spot instills confidence in my shots, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the power it can produce when hit in the sweet spot.

Dinking and Control

For players like me who enjoy dinking, having soft hands is crucial to prevent pop-ups. This is an area where I’m still working to improve, and I’d rate myself around 3.5 to 3.75 in terms of dinking proficiency. It’s worth noting that some players found the INSUM T-1000 Poseidon paddle occasionally caused the ball to pop up, so control and soft hands are essential at the net.

Blocking and Defensive Play

When it comes to blocking and defensive shots, this paddle shines. Its pop allows for effective blocking without having to put excessive effort into driving the ball. I’ve also found it reliable for executing third-shot drops and resets due to its consistency.

Is it a Knockoff?

The question of whether the INSUM T-1000 Poseidon paddle is a knockoff of the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle has been raised. It’s intriguing to note that the two paddles share similar dimensions, thermal-formed construction, and color design. According to a YouTube user, AMA Sports, a producer of OEM paddles, is the owner of INSUM, which suggests that it might not be a knockoff but rather the same paddle, coming from the same manufacturing facility but branded as the Poseidon.

Specification Insum Poseidon T-1000 Joola Ben Johns Perseus
Thickness (mm) 16 16
Paddle Length (in) 16.5 16.5
Paddle Width (in) 7.5 7.5
Grip Length (in) 5.5 5.5
Grip Circumference (in) 4.25 4.25
Weight (oz) ~8.0 ~8.0
Frame Material Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber
Thermoformed Yes Yes

Please note the following details:

  • Thickness: Both paddles have a thickness of 16 mm.
  • Paddle Dimensions: The Insum Poseidon T-1000 has the same length and width as the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus.
  • Grip Size: Both paddles share the same grip length and circumference, making them suitable for a wide range of hand sizes.
  • Weight: Both paddles weigh in around 8 oz.
  • Frame Material: Both are made of carbon fiber, indicating durability and quality.
  • Construction: Both paddles are thermoformed, a technique that enhances the paddle’s structural integrity and performance.

Conclusion and Recommendation

In conclusion, the INSUM T-1000 Poseidon Pickleball paddle is a robust choice for players looking to elevate their game, especially in terms of power and spin. If you’re new to the sport, it might be worth considering a more control-oriented paddle like the INSUM T500S. However, for those seeking a balance between power and control, this paddle offers excellent value for the price. On a scale of five stars, I would rate it at 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Pros and Cons Summary


  • Impressive spin generation
  • Ample power and a large sweet spot
  • Reliable for blocking and defensive shots
  • Affordable price point


  • Requires soft hands for precise dinking
  • Not ideal for beginners seeking control-oriented paddles


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